Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond.
Andrea Paul - Birth Services offers birth doula support, postpartum doula support, lactation education, infant sleep support, placenta encapsulation, and childbirth education (prenatal classes) to give you the best start in your parenting journey.
Birth Support
Photo credit Ashley st. Germain photography
As your birth doula, I will ensure you are provided with continuous support. What does this mean? You always have someone with you holding your hand and rooting you on. Find out more what this means for you.
Postpartum Care
Photo credit Ashley st. Germain photography
What does postpartum doula care look like? More of whatever it is you want. This could be light housework, cooking, cleaning, or sleep. Discover the different packages that will help you manage in this new dynamic.
Childbirth Education
Fun, interactive, and informative childbirth education classes. We cover a variety of topics to help you feel prepared for your birth and new baby. Private and group options available to suit your needs.
Sleep Support
What is the difference between an infant sleep educator and a sleep trainer? I will help you learn about biologically normal infant sleep and provide you with assistance, tips, and tricks to get more rest while supporting your baby with love and respect!
Lactation Support
Are you interested in the potential benefits of placenta encapsulation? Many birthing people profess the benefits of increased energy and boosted milk supply to aid in postpartum recovery. Click below for more information on how encapsulation may help you.
Looking for support reach your feeding goals? Whether you’re looking to prepare for baby or experiencing challenges now, I can help. Learn the signs that baby is drinking well, is eating enough, and tips to help with common challenges.
About the Doula
Andrea has been a practicing doula for nearly a decade and is very passionate about helping families. She creates a calm atmosphere and helps families to navigate their new family dynamic. She loves the variety that birth support offers and how unique each person's preferences are. Whatever your birth preferences are, Andrea looks forward to supporting your choices. Andrea started her career as a birth doula when she saw a gap in support. As her love for supporting families grew she became a postpartum doula to help families manage and grow their confidence with their new baby(ies). She then became an infant sleep coach when she saw the need for holistic sleep support. Helping families reach their goals is incredibly rewarding.
When Andrea is not busy being a doula she enjoys playing with her daughters and husband. She loves swimming, spending time outdoors, reading, and watching movies!
Trainings, Certificates, and Affiliations
President - Association of Ontario Doulas
Discover Birth Team Manager
Level C - First Aid and CPR
IPAC Infectious Disease Advanced Training
OSHA Certified in Blood-borne Pathogens for Placenta Encapsulation
Advanced Training for Caring for Multiples
Trained for Use of TENS for Labour
Birth Doula (Doula Canada)
Postpartum Doula (Doula Canada)
Childbirth Educator (CCCE)
Certified Lactation Educator (CLE)
Certified Infant Sleep Educator (ISE)
Bachelors Degree in Psychology (BSSc from University of Ottawa)
Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE from St. Lawrence College)
Peterborough Doula Services Manager
Birth Doula Program Team Manager
“ I would recommend having the doula experience in a heartbeat for your birth and would recommend Andrea to anyone looking for a great doula!”