Lactation Support
Reaching your feeding goals can feel overwhelming. I’m here to help. As a lactation educator, I can offer guidance and support in many areas including:
Getting a good latch
Signs of an effective and ineffective latch
Signs of satiation - is baby drinking/drinking enough?
Troubleshooting with challenges
Recommendations for support practitioners/referrals
Lactation educators and lactation consultants are not the same, as an IBCLC is a clinical practitioner able to assist with oral assessments (like assessing for tongue ties) whereas a lactation educator will be able to determine that an oral assessment would be beneficial.
Nursing your baby should not be painful! If you’re experiencing any difficulties, or you want to prepare for your little ones arrival, please reach out for support.
Looking for help with breastfeeding/chestfeeding/body feeding in the comfort of your own home or online? Reach out for care options.
Virtual Lactation Support - $35/hr
In-Home Lactation Support - $75 per visit up to 90 minutes
Check out the resources page for more support options to help you with your nursing journey.