Apr Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Apr Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot. If booked with the prenatal classes you can save $20!

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Sept Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Sept Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot. If booked with the prenatal classes you can save $20!

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Jan Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Jan Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot. If booked with the prenatal classes you can save $20!

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Oct Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Oct Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot. If booked with the prenatal classes you can save $20!

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Oct Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

Oct Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE to save 10% at checkout.

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Oct Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

Oct Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register below to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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Oct Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

Oct Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Please click register below to be brought to their registration page. Use coupon code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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Nov Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Nov Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot.

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Nov Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

Nov Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE to save 10% at checkout.

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Nov Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

Nov Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register below to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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Nov Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

Nov Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Please click register below to be brought to their registration page. Use coupon code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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Oct Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

Oct Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

Register now and save your spot!

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Oct Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

Oct Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

Register now and save your spot!

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Oct Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

Oct Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

Register today!

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Sept Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

Sept Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot.

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Sept Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

Sept Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

Register now and save your spot!

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Sept Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

Sept Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

Register now and save your spot!

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Sept Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

Sept Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

  • Andrea Paul - Birth Services (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

Register today and save your spot!

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July Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

July Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot.

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July Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

July Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE to save 10% at checkout.

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July Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

July Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register below to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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July Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

July Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Please click register below to be brought to their registration page. Use coupon code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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June Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

June Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot.

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June Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

June Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE to save 10% at checkout.

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June Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

June Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register below to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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June Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

June Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Please click register below to be brought to their registration page. Use coupon code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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May Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations
1:00 PM13:00

May Infant CPR Class - Skills for emergency situations

Infant CPR training by 2HEALTH: creating confident rescuers since 1992

This is a live online 3 hour class to help you feel more confident caring for baby in emergency situations.

Important key learnings participants will walk away from the workshop with:

  • An understanding of typical newborn behaviours and a plan on how to best cope with the integration of a new baby into the family.

  • Practical tips on how to prepare their home for the new baby.

  • Understanding of various options for sleep arrangements, feeding, and infant care that will fit with the different needs of different families.

  • Skills for emergency situations

    Detailed workshop content:

    • Preventing & recognizing emergencies and when to call 911

    • Learning how to rescue in 60 seconds

    • Practicing Choking rescue skills, CPR, head injury rescue and more first aid skills

    • Car Seat installation tips & Water safety

    • Role-play scenarios, take-home package & fun quizzes

    • What should be in a first aid kit or home? car? diaper bag?

This class does not provide a certificate of completion but rather is to help you provide life saving support and prevention when caring for infants.

Classes run from 1pm-4pm and fee is $100. Click below to be directed to our colleagues at Discover Birth to secure your spot.

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May Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

May Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

Register now and save your spot!

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May Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

May Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

This 2.5 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

Register now and save your spot!

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May Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation
7:00 PM19:00

May Comfort Measures, Labour Support, and Birth Preparation

Register for this 2.5 hour online workshop to go over preparation for your upcoming delivery! Some of the topics include:

  • Late pregnancy health and wellness (nutrition, exercise) and anatomy

  • Physical and emotional aspects of labour and birth

  • Coping strategies and comfort measures (including: positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth, massage techniques to ease the pain of labour and enhance relaxation, understanding the use of heat, cold, pressure and hydrotherapy)

  • Relaxation skills for use during labour and after pregnancy to relieve stress

  • Understanding the importance and role of support and the impact on the childbirth experience

This is a virtual group class that is fun and interactive! Connect with other expecting families and learn along the way.

Save your spot below!

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Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby
9:00 AM09:00

Preparing for Postpartum, Baby Care, and Feeding Baby

This is a 3 hour online workshop to help you prepare for the fourth trimester! Some topics include:

  • Baby Care basics (Bathing, clothing, diapering options)

  • Soothing and comforting your baby

  • Normal newborn behaviours

  • How to help your baby sleep longer

  • Breastfeeding basics. Feeding cues, patterns, and what to expect in the first month

  • Get organized – tips for a stress free month after baby arrives

  • Relationship tips and tricks – communication and expectations

  • It takes a Village – Support options and why its important to have help

  • Baby wearing – benefits

This is a virtual group class where you get to connect with other families in a fun and interactive way!

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE to save 10% at checkout.

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Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making
7:00 PM19:00

Medications, Interventions, and Informed Decision Making

This 2 hour online workshop will help you prepare for the medical side of birth. Some of the topic include:

  • Awareness and informed decision-making, navigating when plans change

  • Communication skills for the pregnant person with their partner and the members of her health care team

  • Medications and medical interventions (what will be available to you at the hospital you are choosing)

  • Inductions

  • Cesarean

This is a virtual group class which is fun and interactive where you can connect with other expectant families. The perfect compliment to the other workshops.

This class is taught by my colleagues at Discover Birth. Click register below to be taken to their registration page. Use code DBSAVE at checkout to save 10%.

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