What’s the difference between a doula and a midwife?
/I get this question all the time. When I tell people what I do for a living they will often say, “A doula… That's like a midwife right?” or even, “Oh, I had a midwife at my birth!” While it’s great that you had a midwife, a doula and midwife actually have different roles in your labour experience.
What are some of the major differences?
Your midwife is your medical care provider. They provide cervical checks, document on your chart, and look at your health and the heath of the baby.
Your doula is your labour support person. While your midwife is providing medical care, or is busy charting, your doula is providing hands on comfort measures. They will give you information, help you cope emotionally, and offer suggestions and support to help labour progress.
Your midwife is focused on your health and the health of the baby. Your doula is focused on your needs and the needs of the family.
You midwife is covered by OHIP. Your doula is not, but may be covered under private insurance plans.
Your midwife will join you when you are in active labour. Your doula will join you when you feel you need the added support, regardless of your phase of labour.
Together you get hands on intimate support to give you a wonderful birth experience. Isn’t it great to be cared for? Look at doula support to round out your support team!